March 17 – March 30, 2016
On The Dock This Issue:
Our Space
Kitchen Space 101: Intentional Design to Change your Health and Food
By Sherry A. Burton

If you cook at home, then your kitchen may be your personal space where you let loose your creative skills and create striking blends of flavors. Moreover, your kitchen may also be a place for you to unwind after a long day at work or relax and blend into the aroma of flavors bursting out of your stove. So today, I welcome you to Kitchen Space 101. Here we’ll discuss design tips for your kitchen so that it not only energizes your life, but makes you want to stay in your flavor heaven as long as you want with food that is not only delicious, but smart - - prepared to maximize your health.
Tip One: Open Up
The best kitchens are the ones that are open and give you easy movement. You should start by finding ways to make that happen. Clear your counter tops with unnecessary utensils and crockery. Make a list of all the utensils and crockery that you use daily for cooking; just keep those around and put the remainder of them stocked in closed door shelves. You can buy utensil hangers to hang knives and ladles. If you are one of those who like to display your cooking ammunition, then you can buy open rack stands for displaying your crockery and save space in a smart way.
Make your kitchen as de-cluttered as possible so that you can have space to keep fruits, nuts, and other nutrient-filled go-to foods on the kitchen table so that your children or you may have easy access to them. Also, colorful fruits on the table are a visual delight to your eyes.
Cleaning up and making room in your kitchen can also help you keep important things visible. It also adds to reducing prep time and keeping you from stressing when you are short of time or space such as when your cooking space becomes a social hangout during family dinners and parties. Also, if you are like me and you don’t do dishes right after a meal, you can fit in deep sinks where you can “hide” the dirty dishes - - so the overall aesthetics of your kitchen space does not look tainted by a pile of visible dirty dishes.
Tip Two: Light Up
Experts say natural sunlight helps you connect with nature and inspire your food choices. It makes your space well-lit and saves electricity. A healthy dose of sunlight also aids to enhance the overall feel and mood of your kitchen space.
For exposure, you can start with opening your windows and blinds. Let the light inside and brighten your cooking experience. You can also install a skylight – it will improve the light effect when it’s sunny and give you a cozy, comfortable feeling when it’s raining outside.
Since the idea is to light up your mood and help you ease into character, you can also set up a docking station or put in a radio stand so that you can listen and enjoy your favorite songs, podcast, or just catch up on news. A soft distraction, in the form of music, also adds to the ambience of your cooking space.
Tip Three: Fill Up
This one is all about your food choices and how you can make the most of your kitchen space by presenting easily accessible healthy foods and having an indoor herb garden, and the flavorful aroma it produces.
The first step is to decide how you can re-organize your pantry. Start by cleaning the shelves and sorting the food into groups. You can separate them into four different categories such as items you use daily, items that you use less frequently, items that are about to expire, and unopened stocks that you do not think should be part of your healthy lifestyle. The latter food items, you can even donate.
Experts suggests that when you restock your pantry you should start by placing all your healthy ingredients in the center shelf followed by low calorie foods so that they are easy to grab.
The second step is to smartly restock your pantry. I suggest you use containers like glass bottles and mason jars for storing spices, nuts, grains, and other ingredients. You can easily see their contents and they will also help you make your pantry look more colorful.
Experts suggests that when you restock your pantry you should start by placing all your healthy ingredients in the center shelf followed by low calorie foods so that they are easy to grab.
Chocolates and other fatty foods should be kept on the top shelves that are not so easy to grab. This is a good psychological step that can help you keep a check on your weight. Also you should create an order in your pantry with baking items at one side, pasta on the other, and so forth.
Moving on to herbs, which are an important plus in your healthy diet for they add savory and flavor and help you cut down on unhealthy choices like salt and butter. You can hang a vertical garden on any of the kitchen walls that have access to sunlight for plants will need adequate sunlight to grow.
There are many variants of vertical gardens available in the market that are designed in a smart way to save space and make your kitchen look more vibrant – - also, growing plants indoors have tendency to lift your mood and are very soothing to the eyes. You can grow parsley and other fresh herbs or maybe even grow vegetables that are easy to manage. However, if you find it a hassle to manage a vertical garden, you can again use glass bottles and mason jars to keep on your window ceiling or in a cabinet next to a stove top – a low maintenance version of keeping an herb garden.
To Conclude
These three tips are your first lesson in making your kitchen another feel good space in your home. You can start with these, and then go from there to explore other ways to make your life better. Be as creative as you like. Be simple and enjoy deliciously healthy food in your new, more relaxing kitchen.
Note: This is Sherry’s last scheduled article for Port Of Harlem. After about 10 years of writing for the magazine in print and online, we wish her continued success.

Bishop Ask Blacks to Leave “Anti-Christian” Democrat Party

Bishop E.W. Jackson says that Black Christians should not remain in a Democrat Party that is increasingly hostile to Christianity.
He has even produced a new video which urges Black voters to abandon the Democrat Party.
Part of what he says is, "Four years ago I released a video called “Exodus Now,” calling Black Christians to come out of the Democrat Party. When I did that video there was no gay marriage. Now we have it and the Democrat Party is mainly responsible. I am back to say once again, “come out!"
In the video, Jackson urges Black voters to oppose Democrats on marriage and abortion. "Why has the Democrat Party embraced gay marriage when Black voters believe in the biblical definition of marriage? Why does the Democrat Party avidly support Planned Parenthood when they know its founder, Margaret Sanger, was a racist eugenicist, who wanted to stop the growth of the Black population?"
But the Bishop also dismisses purported claims that Democrats have helped minorities and the poor. "If the Democrat Party has done so much for the Black community, why is poverty increasing? Why are there no jobs? Why is the unemployment rate among Black citizens twice the national average? Why is there a 50% unemployment rate among Black youth?"
He answers, "They don't care about Black people. They care about those who will bow to them."
Jackson says that Democrats have offered racial demagoguery and nothing else. He says they manipulate Black voters with fear of what they will lose if they don't vote Democrat. According to the Bishop, the government policies of Democrats have hurt rather than helped.
Says Mr. Jackson, "The two parent Black family has been all but destroyed. Too many young Black people are on drugs, in gangs, prison, or the morgue. In fact, government programs supported by the Democrat Party always make poverty worse."
The video ends with an admonition about Election Day. "When you get to the polls this year, they will hand you a ballot expecting you to vote a straight Democrat ticket. It's time to say, 'No thank you.' It is time to stop blindly following the Democrat Party and start faithfully following God."

Black British MP Reveals Racism in Parliament

A Black Member of Parliament (MP) revealed how she suffered racism in parliament after a fellow MP thought she must have been a cleaner.
Labour Party’s Dawn Butler recalled the incident which took place in a Members' only lift (elevator) at the Palace of Westminster. Asked on BBC Five Live’s Piennar’s Politics if she had ever experienced racism in parliament, the Brent Central MP replied, “Yes - God, there are so many incidents. There was a time when I was in the lift. It was a Members’ lift that Members of Parliament use specially in cases (where) we have get to places quickly.”
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Traveling while African is a new series of commentaries, articles, and artwork about the vicissitudes of carrying an African passport—inside and outside Africa. Former Port Of Harlem contributor and the series founder and curator Robtel Neajai Pailey invites you to use their hashtag #TravelAfrican.
National Black Memorabilia, Fine Art & Craft Show - April 9 and 10
The National Black Memorabilia, Fine Art & Craft Show is Saturday and Sunday, April 9 and 10 at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds, 16 Chestnut Street, in Gaithersburg, Maryland (I-270 exit 11). This is the 32nd year for this show in the Greater Washington, DC area. Show hours are Saturday, 10 am - 7 pm and Sunday, 10 am - 5 pm. Admission is $7 and students are admitted free. There will be vendors, educational exhibits, seminars, and celebrity autograph sessions.
The intent of the show is to provide an environment where the public can be educated on African American history and culture and where they can purchase desirable pieces of black memorabilia. Many of the items considered as black memorabilia reflect the way African Americans were viewed and treated. "Items from the slavery, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, and Civil Rights eras to present tell a story of great progress of African Americans considering the obstacles they faced," says Lindsey Johnson, the event organizer.
This is the largest black memorabilia show in the country and it attracts major vendors and collectors alike. There will be plenty of good food and free parking. The show is indoors and will be held rain or shine.

Will the Senate Finally Get A Black Woman?
With 63 percent of the vote, Congressman Tammy Duckworth defeated two Black opponents to win the Democratic nomination for US Senate from Illinois. Andrea Zopp came in second with 25 percent and Napoleon Harris finished with 12 percent of the vote.
There are still at least two more chances that a Black woman will join the Senate. In Maryland, Congresswoman Donna Edwards (pictured left) and in California State Attorney Kamila Harris hope to become the first Black women to sit in the upper legislative body since Carolyn Moseley-Braun (D-IL) lost her seat and left the Senate in 1999. Moseley-Braun has been the only Black woman to ever serve in the Senate.
The Senate currently has two Blacks, Tim Scott (R-SC) and Cory Booker (D-NJ). Moseley-Braun has endorsed Edwards, who is a single mother. She also mustered the support of Emily’s List, which supports pro-choice Democratic women running for congress and governor, and other liberal organizations such as Daily Kos, which produces a national progressive online newsletter.
However, she did not get the support of the NRA. “The NRA sent me their candidate questionnaire. Well, I’m sending it right back. And I’ll proudly take an ‘F’ rating” says Edwards, who has fought against the gun lobby.
Polls show Edwards in a tight race. Harris, however, is 9 to 12 points ahead of her rivals.
Meet Three Muslims Voting for
Donald Trump
Donald Trump has called for barring Muslims from entering the United States, argued for surveillance of mosques, and suggested he’d be open to creating a registry of American Muslims.
Still, the Republican front-runner has some fans among the American Muslim community, which is made up of 3.3. million people, representing roughly one percent of the U.S. population.
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From Our Archives: Should African Americans Endorse Whites over Blacks?
By Julianne Malveaux
Bernice Johnson Reagon
Washington, DC
The Journey to be Free: Self-emancipation
and Alexandria's Contraband Heritag
Alexandria Black History Museum
902 Wythe St.
through Sun, May 8, free
Exposed DC Photography Show
10th Anniversary Exhibition
Carnegie Library
801 K St NW
through Fri April 1, free
Tue-Fri, 10a-4p
Sat, Mar 12 10am-4pm
Opening reception: Thu, Mar 10, 6p to 10p, $34-$45
Women in Jazz: Sassy Sarah Vaughn
Smithsonian Anacostia Museum
1901 Fort Place, SE
Sat, Mar 19, 2p-4p, free
Honoring Women History:
The Life & Times of Clara Muhammad
America’s Islamic Heritage Museum
2315 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE
Sat, Mar 19, 4:30p-6:30p, free
What's Cookin', Mr. Banneker?
Benjamin Banneker Historical Park & Museum
300 Oella Ave
Sat, Mar 26, 1p-3p, free
Save the Dunes Discussion
Marshall J. Gardner Center for the Arts
540 S Lake St
Thu, Mar 24 6p-7:30p, free
New York
Women’s Jazz Festival
Bernice Johnson Reagon Compositions
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
515 Malcolm X Boulevard
Mon, Mar 28, 7p, $25-$30
Washington, DC
National Black Memorabilia, Fine Art and Craft Show
Montgomery County Fairgrounds
16 Chestnut Street
Gaithersburg, MD
Sat, April 9, 10a-7p, $
Sun, April 10, 10a- 5p, $
Global Mission Society Gospel Concert
with Robert Mercer
Glory Baptist Church
24 Patrice Lamumba Drive
Old Jeshwang
Fri, Apr 15, 6p, free
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