port of harlem magazine
Apr 18 – May 01, 2024
marian anderson musuem leader

Marian Anderson Museum & Historical Society Works Toward October 2024 Opening in Philly

Repairs and restoration work continue after a 2020 flood caused more than $500,000 in damage to the historic landmark building of the Marian Anderson Museum & Historical Society. The Society’s building was the home of Marian Anderson, the iconic contralto singer who performed a wide-range of music, from opera to spirituals, from 1924-1965.
barry murray

ECHOES OF A VOICE FOR JUSTICE: The Story of Barry A. Murray

The epilogue by Port of Harlem publisher Wayne A. Young for the biography for the now deceased News Dimensions newspaper publisher Barry Murray. Anita Hackley Lambert is the biographer. Read more about the book in coming issues and stay tunned for a POH Podcast with Lambert.
Khismet Wearable Art, Millee Spears
searching on laptop

Beware: Scams Are on the Rise

Security measures aren't foolproof, and anyone can suffer a moment of inattention or lapse in judgment. Remember to pause and look for red flags before reacting to any unsolicited emails, phone calls, and direct messages on social media asking for money or information—even if they seem to be from someone you trust.
western sahara map

Africa’s Forgotten War: The Western Sahara Conflict

This increasing focus on that longstanding conflict provides an opening for those of us concerned about another UN-recognized occupation which has been going on for 48 years—that of Morocco over Western Sahara.
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the lalst supper

Last Supper Sculpture Now in 3D

The Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture recently digitized a 20-foot sculpture by artist Akili Ron Anderson, now available online. The sculpture, created by Anderson in 1982, was rediscovered in 2019 behind a temporary drywall at the former New Home Baptist Church, now the Studio Acting Conservatory, in Washington, D.C
olivia munn

Do You Know Your Breast Cancer Lifetime Risk Score?

“The breast cancer risk assessment score is pretty accurate,” says Dr. Irene Israel, a breast surgeon at Advocate Health Care. “If you have a score greater than 20%, you should supplement annual mammograms with an annual MRI.
The Young's Northern Indiana - Northern Indiana - Airbnb
dad and baby


You have read the story of the three renovators who are rebuilding their hometown, now you can hear them share their strategies and advice on our podcasts “Three Young Renovators Who Are Rebuilding Their City.” Once one the Activities page, click the podcast’s name and hear the 25-minute conversation. Dads and Babies (see image) takes place in Nairobi on April 21; Rev. Barber speaks about the unhoused at a US Supreme Court rally on Mon, Apr 22, 10a; and the Dymally Jazz Festival is in Carson, CA on April 27. Tutankhamun & Today: D.C. Politics Through Ancient Eyes opens in DC on May 2.

Readers' Trends

The magazine’s lead story is not always the most popular, for the last issue it was and we followed it up with a podcast. See Activities for details. Gamecock’s Dawn Staley was number one on our Instagram page and a posting involving mostly younger Americans was number one of Facebook page.
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