Seven New Albino Killings in Tanzania and Burundi
The wave of albino killings that started in 2007 is fuelled by the sale of their highly-prized body parts to witch doctors across the region who use them to concoct wealth-enhancing charms, reports the British Telegraph.
Americans Go Mobile
According to a new Comscore study, “The New Digital Wallet," mobile devices are becoming more a part of American life.
· Increased smartphone browsing: Nearly half of all American adults (45%) now own a smartphone. The majority of them (55%) go online using their phones, and 17% of cell phone owners do most of their web browsing on their cell phone.
· Growing mobile communications: 4 in 10 emails are now being opened on mobile devices. That's a 300% increase in the past two years. We saw with our own emails that up to 30% of people viewed them on mobile devices, compared to around 15% at the beginning of the year.
Things to Do
Banjul, The Gambia
Art Exhibition and French Club Show
Alliance Francaise de Banjul
Kairaba Avenue
Serrekunda, The Gambia
Fri, Mar 22, 5p-8p, free
Anacostia Fine Art Show
2806 Bruce Place, SE
Washington, DC
Sat, Mar 30, noon –Sun, Apr 14, 6p, free

Great Black Women, Past & Present
CR Gibbs
Waldorf West Library
Charles County, MD
Sat, Mar 23,2p
The Harlem Renaissance: A 21st Century Reappraisal
CR Gibbs
Tue, Mar 26, 7p
The Sister 6: Great Women Scholars at Howard University
Dr. Ida Jones
Tue, Apr 2, 7p
Build Renovate Your Own Castle V
Alexandria Black History Museum
902 Wythe St
Alexandria, VA
Free Street Parking | Three Blocks from Braddock Rd Metro
Refreshments | Door Prizes
Sat, Apr 6, 11a-2p, free
reserve your seat today
New York City (Greater)
Victoria Rowell signs
The Young and the Ruthless
Melba's 125
125 Harlem State Office Bldg
163 125th St, 3rd Fl
Mar 27, 7p-9p, free
Malik Yoba Supporting
Father-Son Book
Malik Yoba took a break from filming in Miami to be part of author Sedrik Newbern’s reading of Newbern's new book "Unconditional Forgiveness-Lessons for Letting Go to Build Better Relationships.”
Newbern says his relationship with his father inspired the book which centers around the impact fathers have on their sons and how Newbern forgave his father, who wasn't there for him as he matured.
Newbern’s book details the impact growing up without his father had on his life, as well as how they were able to evolve and move beyond the pain to develop an unbreakable bond. The book also gives practical advice to those hurt in past relationships, so they can heal and develop healthy relationships.
The audience in Gary, IN largely consisted of teenagers, many of which grew up without their fathers. In addition to reading excerpts from the book, Yoba engaged the young men by asking them to read from the book, too.
During the question and answer session, one young man asked what he could do to put his city on the map, as he felt that sports was the only way for him to do so. Newbern informed him that it was much smarter to be the owner of the team and be the person who signs the check versus being just another athlete.
“It was awesome to connect with the young brothers in Gary,” said Yoba. The actor told the audience that his goals in life were never centered on being a famous actor, but on serving others, which ultimately led him to acting. Show business then provided him the means and platform to service others he said. At the end of the event at the newly renovated Glen Theater, Newbern gave each of the young men a signed copy of the book, followed by a photograph with Yoba.
Photo Caption: Actor Malik Yoba addresses young Black males about building relationships with their fathers during a special book signing in the city of Gary, Indiana.
The 2012 National
Recording Registry
The Library of Congress' 2012 inductees to the National Recording Registry reflect the diversity and creativity of the American experience. The Librarian of Congress, James H. Billington, announced the selection of 25 sound recordings to the registry, marked for preservation because of their cultural, artistic and historic importance to the nation's aural legacy. The inductees include:
Descargas: Cuban Jam Session in Miniature, Cachao Y Su Ritmo Caliente (1957)
The Shape of Jazz to Come, Ornette Coleman (1959)
Crossing Chilly Jordan, The Blackwood Brothers (1960)
Hoodoo Man Blues, Junior Wells (1965)
Wild Tchoupitoulas, The Wild Tchoupitoulas (1976)
Saturday Night Fever, The Bee Gees, et al (1977)
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